the years, I have gone through various transitions when it comes to making new
year resolutions. Years ago, I made resolutions mentally because it was a year-end
tradition I thought I should follow even though having no clear understanding
of the concept. As I grew older, I began
to look at my new year resolutions more seriously and wrote down goals I felt
most important for each coming year. Eventually realizing I was writing the
same goals each year and seemingly not accomplishing significant results, I
turned to my spiritual life and focused on what God would want and approve for
my life.
significant research on the origin of making new year resolutions, I was
encouraged to become more grounded in preparing my goals. Once knowing the
religious origins and practices of starting the new year on the right foot had
its beginnings over 4000 years ago, I understood God is the reason to make
resolutions for the coming year as opposed to relying solely on my
self-centered needs and limited actions.
opportunity to make a fresh start is very exciting. Like most people, I eagerly await what God has
planned for me in 2017. I believe phenomenal things will happen and I understand
there will also be challenges. I am at peace with new year resolutions because
I know at the beginning and throughout the year I rely on God to guide me to
actions that would serve him, my family and my community. My goals now have a
higher purpose than as a very young adult. As I take time to reflect on 2016, the
accomplishments and the challenges, I know without a doubt that resolving to
have a better relationship with God has exceeded everything I could never have
done on my own.
New Year and May Your Relationship with God increase in 2017