Tuesday, December 22, 2015

She Left her Profession to Seek her Promise!

                 When the signs become evident, it's time to follow our hearts. This woman saw the signs
                 and followed the path, which lead to healing and miracles.


Saturday, December 12, 2015

This Christmas - Keanon Kyles

 My Favorite Version of This Christmas to getting me in the holiday season mode.

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

How Losing Her Job Made Her Laugh?

SPOTLIGHT 50! Instead of crying about company downgrades in her industry, Tu Kute decided to make people laugh and started a new career in her 50's.

Losing Her Job Made Her Laugh!

50 Plus Spotlight! Instead of crying about company downgrades in her industry, Tu Kute decided to make people laugh and found a new career in her 50s.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Great News! I am celebrating National Coffee Day sending out FREE samples of delicious and nutritious Montavida coffee. I know you will love Montavida, so I will include a $10 gift card to deduct from our already discounted prices for the remainder of September. Leave a confidential message for me at sheila.agnew4@gmail.com. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

Monday, September 28, 2015

I will be a guest on The Empowering Women Series for Changing Lives Online this Thursday, October 1, 2015, 9:00 pm EST (8:00 pm CST). The subject is  "What to Do When We Need a Confidence Booster?" Tune in or call  (949)203-4763

Monday, September 14, 2015

Taking Your Faith to the Extreme

We know that having even a little faith can move tall mountains, but what happens when you take your faith to the extreme?
  •  You become thirsty and your desire to quench this thirst exceeds the pain you may endure during the transition.  This tremendous thirst perceives the triumph you are about to experience.
  • You get hunger pains and no amount of food with feed this hunger until you feed on the word of God.

Taking your faith to the extreme is more than a simple request for God to fulfill our basic needs, it is thirsting and hungering to fulfill the purpose of God’s word. It is the point at which we become bold. It’s the level when we reach our breaking point.

The breaking point is the time which you endure through all barriers to complete your assignment, purpose and calling. Your extreme and unbreakable faith has prevailed. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The LeBron James "Success Factor"

I believe we can all learn a lesson by following the LeBron James “Success Factor.” He is a man with a plan and delivers on the WOW every time. His greatness is demonstrated in his ability to focus on essential goals to achieve results that many of us only dream about.

Not only has LeBron worked extremely hard and long to develop his skills, he has the mental capacity to block out negativity and surpass his harshest critics’ expectations. It takes an incredible mind to remain focused on the one goal, the one thing that you want achieve in your life plan and make it happen in spite of trials and tribulations.

We see athletes get distracted all the time with drugs, relationships, injuries and poor life choices. These are young men and women who have worked hard to become the best of the best, yet miss the mark by taking their eyes off their goals.

In our everyday lives we become distracted from our goals and dreams by taking our eyes off the focus. You don’t have to be an athlete to create a WOW factor in your life, but we would be well-advised to study how great achievers become successful in their endeavors. Focus is imperative in finding and mastering the art of living your purpose. Whatever your goals, stay consistent and diligent to cultivate a life centered on achieving success.

Lastly, I want to qualify, I am not a savvy sports fan and truthfully, I am not even a big LeBron James fan. However, I am a student of studying and learning. When I watch sports, I look beyond the game and focus on the strength, will and determination.  Don’t be mad because your team didn’t win. Don’t give up because things did not work out on your personal endeavors. Get up and start over again. Be committed to be the best of the best.  Divine order contributes to right outcome. 

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Other Side of Valentine's Day

I received a distress call the other evening from a dear friend. The gentlemen she had been dating for a couple of months and become quite fond of, text messaged her that he wanted to end the relationship. He said that she was ninety percent of what he was looking for, but the ten percent was a deal breaker, which was travel distance between their homes. His maximum allowance was twenty-five miles and their distance was thirty-six miles.

Honestly, I kept my comments short and brief, suggesting she should simply move on. I saw no point in wasting time and energy on someone who does not feel you worthy of ten extra miles past his cut-off distance and texting a breakup.  While I certainly understand her devastation in believing their relationship could be more long term, at some point, we have to move beyond drama, particularly when there is not a lot of time involved. I truly believed she did a lot of the right things to grow the relationship, just with the wrong person.

In actuality, while I was sorry about the situation, the point of this story is not my friend’s breakup. It was something she said during the course of the conversation that struck a chord with me. She expressed that she was now going to spend another Valentine’s Day alone. While I certainly understand her sentiments particularly in a situation where the break up is fresh, I encouraged her not to get hung up on one day. If you are not in a relationship, there is really no need to acknowledge or celebrate a day that has no benefit to your current situation. Also, recognizing more serious situations such as loss of a loved one, divorce and separations due to military service can cause intense feelings of depression, there are other ways that may be helpful to cope with the loneliness this day may bring about. Most important is to look for ways to spend the day that is not focused on what someone does for you, but what you do for yourself. Some suggestions include.

  • Make someone else happy. Consider ways you can bring a smile to others including the elderly, children, domestic violence victims, sick and shut-in. Volunteering will also provide you with a sense of gratitude for what you do have in your life.
  • Host a family and friends get together. You will be surprised at the people who would rather not go out to restaurants for dinner.  The theme does not have to be Valentine’s Day and ask everyone to bring a dish or beverage.
  • Make plans to start or finish a project you have wanted to do for a long time.
  • Do something you may not ordinarily do such as book a glamour photo session, get a complete make-over or take a fun art class to stimulate your creativity.
  • Don’t look at old pictures, love movies and songs that bring memories to make you feel sad. Watch funny movies or read inspirational books.

It’s important to remember that you have to live beyond one day and should always focus on things and people that add value to your life. Above all, my most endearing suggestion is to spend time with God. With God’s presence we are never alone. Happy You Day!

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Turn Your Vision into Reality!


A Lesson on Focus from President Barack Obama

     “One of the most difficult challenges in pursuing or living your calling is to remain focused.  At times, life itself may be filled with diversions that distract your focus from your goals. You may encounter many obstacles in starting and finishing even a simple household or work project.  Imagine the difficulty in remaining focused with a project as large as your calling!  It is difficult, but certainly not impossible.  In fact, remaining focused to achieve your life purpose is imperative.”
     While watching President Barack Obama delivery the State of the Union address on Tuesday evening, I was reminded that chapter four of my book, Dear ____, Are You Missing Your Calling? was inspired by his unique ability to remain focused in the midst of challenge and adversity. During his two campaigns, I was most intrigued by President Obama’s self-control and capacity to stay centered on the issues, which eventually won him the presidency twice. “We can only imagine the complexity of how God placed the vision in his mind that he could run for President of the United States of America and even succeed against unimaginable odds.”
     While most of us will not likely run for President of the United States, we are all in a race to pursue our callings and purposes. Each of our gifts, skills and talents are unique. In order to reach our God-given potential, we must remain focused.  Focus is not a gift or calling, it is a discipline designed to guide us on a clear path by setting priorities to vigorously pursue and reach your goals.
     We have come to know a few things about President Obama in the eight years he has been President, but we know less of the intimate twenty-two-year journey that he walked while pursing the directive of his vision. It took patience, endurance and confidence to believe he could achieve a position larger than himself and create a legacy.
     It is possible for all of us to reach success with our individual callings. There is a roadmap for each one of our journeys. In order remain focused, we must place priority over the things that are most important and have the most value to our purpose. Essentially, focus requires consistency and diligence in cultivating your vision. Focus is not an easy task. I often remind myself to keep a focused attitude by following some of the suggestions I shared in the book.
  • Stay spiritually inspired.
  • Reduce or eliminate things and people that distract you.
  • Boost your energy with healthy foods and exercise to remain mentally alert.
  • Make a commitment to limit distractions (phone, social media..) to 1-2 hours a day.
  • Pray and meditate day and night.
     "If you continue to find yourself having difficulty remaining focused, ask God to reveal your path, look for the signs and pursue them passionately. If your are committed to doing your part to remain focused and willing to obey the voice of God, he will fulfill your requests. Divine order contributes to right outcome."

Dear ____, Are You Missing Your Calling? is on Amazon Kindle and Paperback. Check out a sample chapter free at CLICK HERE